Wednesday, July 4, 2012

hi ho!

Hey guys, happy 4th! I told Sorella Simkins we needed to buy trashy flag shirts, eat a whole cow and shoot guns. I'm pretty sure all that's going to happen is a nice hamburger and a rootbeer float at our little BBQ with the Anziani and the Petersons, a senior missionary couple. But I'm content. 

Had a nice sleep this morning and reloading on my energy for one more week in Bergamo. Hooray for Ian's new job! For lots of wood! For Ian being a rock star and bringing peeps to church! for mom's bucket of new keens! for summer living in general. All your pics made me the babiest bit home\summer sick, but I know it'll all be there when I get home next year. 

Bergamo is still an oven. So glad I'm not a pizza maker, madonna, fa troppo caldo. But we have some awesome new people that we're working with. One Bolivian lady is the friend of a member, had come to church in the past before going home to Bolivia for a few months. Came back and is totally on board, loves everything we say, feels so peaceful and picked her own date to be baptized July 28 and she keeps telling us just how good she feels about her decision and says she knows it will bless her life as well as her children in Bolivia. Then we started teaching three new peeps this week.

First there's Leonardo, 21, Italian, studying to be a lawyer. Has a few funny ideas but is down for meeting with us and totally understands that the key is reading the Book of Mormon. He said a prayer at the end of our lesson asking God for help to find time to read a bit because he's really interested. Cool stuff.

Then we have Mauricio, 17 Bolivian, mom and sisters are members and just decided to come to our church with them for the second time in his life and agreed to meet with us. We had a beautiful simple restoration lesson with his sister who's 14 and has a really sweet testimony and he was really glad we came and wants to learn more and was excited when we gave him his own BOM.

Then we have Lulu who is hilarious. She's Mexican, but has lived in Canada most of her adult life. She's here on vacation and the lady she's staying with basically fed her a bunch of lies about what the situation would be like with us. She's pretty lonely but randomly met one of our reactivated members we've been working with who works at the airport and found Lulu when she first got her because her flacky friend didn't even come get her from the airport. Any way, she came to church, met with us yesterday and when I called her last night she was just hanging out reading the book of mormon and loving it. She is so hungry to learn and keeps asking us questions about things that have never felt right to her doctrinly, like original sin, and is so relieved when we tell her how it really is. We can't teach her fast enough. She's coming to our BBQ today and I'll take some pics, she is just the coolest old lady. Sorella Simkins and I are invited to her beach house in Mexico whenever we like. Totally hitting that up in the future.

The last few days really have been beautiful. We felt like things wern't making much sense, we're teaching tons of lessons, at least tons for our mission, finding new people but all these people that seem elect keep dropping off, and then the Lord handed us three beautiful people working through the ward.

Lauren asked in her last letter if she could email me pics and I forgot to tell her that yes, she can. Thanks for all the prayers, thoughts and letters. You all sound happy and that makes me happy! Salute the Sorella Noteware for me, I did a scambio with her baby Sorella Walton last week who finishes her mission next week. Time is a funny thing.

Much love!


sorella bush

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