Wednesday, June 20, 2012

tanti auguri!

Okay, peeps another P-day and this time I am 24!  Whoa! All the Italians think I'm 20 and insist that it's better that way (to look younger), ha.

Life is so good. The last few days have been crazy. It is BLAZING here now and we have so many appointments that I feel like we're eaither teaching for speed racing on our bikes to the opposite part of the city. Long story short, I am a sweaty swamp monster.

I think the package is taken care of, I faxed the form off on friday and the office emailed me and said that I got a package. Hopefully it's the one from you guys. And customs was only 13 Euro which is kind of a miracle itself.

These days I feel like the Lord really is guiding us and taking care of everything. We keep talking to people and planning our time the best we can and he takes care of the rest. We have some super sweet new investigators. Deysi and Fatima are two cousins from El Salvador who understood the first restoration lesson SO WELL. We're going back tomorrow night when we get back from conference in Verona. Our less active anna maria had her family get here. They were still in Bolivia and she's been here for 9 years. She has two daughters 10 and 16. The younger one isn't baptized because when Ana Maria came here her husband stopped going to church. So we're working with both of the girls to help them re/find their testimonies. The only catch is they don't speak any Italian because they literally got here on Thursday. But they're so nice and super patient with us trying to remember the bits of Spanish we know. I watched the restoration movie with them in Spanish this morning and they really liked it, totally believe Joseph Smith was a prophet and God will answer their prayers if they ask him. 

We taught a really interesting lesson to a lady who's been studying with JW's  for the past year. We met her in the park and she thought at first we were JWs.  We explained who we were and she said she knew some members of our church. Turns out she knows the Bishop's sister and her family really well so she came to teach with us yesterday. It actually made me really sad because she was telling us how in this past year she's felt blocked, like when she tries to pray she's just talking to the table, who she didn't really want to believe and of the things they were teaching her but they had shown her things in the Bible (taken out of context) and in the end nothing was sitting well with her. But her friend shared some beautiful experiences, made the gospel real and she wants us to come back. We'll have to give her to the Anziani because they live out of our area, but I'm really hopeful for them.

Our wards are officially split and we now have church at 4:00 in the afternoon. Crazy town. Our new Branch Prez asked to have us in his ward and we're all excited to get working with the members and their friends and contacting the thousands of inactives that live in Bergamo. Sunday we did some pass bys and found a really cool young Bolivian who's whole family got baptized while he was still in Bolivia, 12ish years ago, and have been inactive since he's been here, but he wants us to come back Friday and he was going to tell his parents so everyone could come. Then we found an older Italian lady and her son, who isn't a member, and we got her number so we could set up a time to meet with them, hopefully next week becuase we are booked.

We've been practicing our bike stops. Which is when we awkwardly stop on our bikes to talk to people walking, but have found tons of people who have family members that are members of the church and are willing to meet with us. Including one lady whose 7-year old daughter lived with her sister and brother-in-law for 5 years in Bolivia. He's stake president there and the daughter who this past year came to Italy keeps telling her mom she wants to be Mormon.

Tonight we're partying with the Capelli's for my burfday which means I'll be eating well. I'm going to buy the stuff to make mom's chocolate cake this afternoon and niente. The primary kids that were here who we did service with this morning all sang to me, Sorella Botta kissed me on the cheek and one of the members called me and it's just kind of fun to have people thinking about me and being glad I was born. I am so glad I was born. So many adventures had and soooo many that await. Not I'm just living up  my last few weeks in Bergamo. I feel like once I change cities life will really start to fly even more. Crazy town.

Mom your dress is rocking. Wish I could hit up some Anthro sales with you. ha. It's funny to me that I literally wear the same clothes everyday. Keeps life simple I guess.

Love you all!!!

sorella bush

1 comment:

  1. Love keeping up with you and your mission, Whitney! Sounds like your work is uplifting and fulfilling. Keep 'em coming.
